Mangajin 18 - The Japan Shop

Mangajin 18


Mangajin 18


Mangajin 18


PLEASE NOTE: Mangajin ceased publication in 1998. These back issues may be new or used, but they will not be pristine. A few are still in sealed bags (for mailing), but even those are unlikely to be pristine due to shelf-wear and the amount of time passed. Please consider these as learning tools to be used rather than for collecting. That being said, if condition is important to you, please contact us with specific issues and we'll send you photos of the actual items.


Mangajin was a wonderful magazine for learners of Japanese. Each issue somehow had something for every level, but we recommend them most for upper beginners. 

Those interested in translation will love how Mangajin breaks down the manga it presents, explaining grammar, vocabulary, and cultural references with ease.

The cover image above is for this particular issue. The sample pages inside may or may not be from this exact issue. See below for a table of contents (retrieved from

  • The Corporate Warrior
    A Dying Breed?
FEATURES 特集 tokushu
6 Kigyo Senshi, The Corporate Warrior
Is the Japanese "salaryman" a selfless corporate soldier, prepared to make even the ultimate sacrifice for his company? There seems to be dissension in the ranks.


DEPARTMENTS 連載/コラム rensai / koramu
4 Letters
Seward's compaint; raves for The Tunnels; ablooper story, & more.
5 Brand News
What do you call a new kind of washing machine that cleans with air bubbles?
14 Books
Rising Sun, by Michael Crichton; Shoshaman, by Arai Shinya; books on business
21 Computer Corner
Info on CompuServe's Japan and Japanese-related forums
22 Basic Japanese: Informal Politeness
The word "politeness" is a convenient simplification, but there are actually several dimensions involved.
76 Classifieds
78 Mangajin · Mono
New this issue: Obatarian 5-volume set; O-jama Shimasu 3-volume set
80 Vocabulary Summary


MANGA 漫画 manga
10 Sarariiman Senka · サラリーマン専科, by Shoji Sadao
18 Calvin and Hobbes, by Bill Watterson
26 Obatarian · オバタリアン, by Hotta Katsuhiko
27 O-jama Shimasu · オジャマします, by Imazeki Shin
29 Eigyo Tenteko Nisshi · 営業てんてこ日誌, by Gyu & Kondo
45 The Phoenix · 火の鳥, by Tezuka Osamu
63 Oishinbo · 美味しんぼ, by Kariya & Hanasaki

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