Tanki Master JLPT N2 with CD [Second Edition] - The Japan Shop

Tanki Master JLPT N2 with CD [Second Edition]


Tanki Master JLPT N2 with CD [Second Edition]


Tanki Master JLPT N2 with CD [Second Edition]


The Tanki Master series works on all five areas of the test in a cursory or "short term" way: Characters; vocabulary; grammar; listening; and reading

It includes a CD for the listening section. For those taking the JLPT, we highly recommend a cursory book like this as a quick way to find out your strengths and weaknesses. Once you know what you need to work on, you can then consider getting a book specifically on that area.

  • 81 pages
  • Includes CD and detachable answer key
  • Published by Bonjinsha

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