Japanese Names - A Crash Course on Learning Japanese First and Last Names [Paperback]

Japanese Names - A Crash Course on Learning Japanese First and Last Names [Paperback]


Japanese Names - A Crash Course on Learning Japanese First and Last Names [Paperback]


Japanese Names - A Crash Course on Learning Japanese First and Last Names [Paperback]


Thoroughly learn the top 100 family and over a hundred given names (male and female) through kanji studies, worksheets, and Anki flashcard decks.

For upper beginner learners of Japanese and up

This is the paperback version, but it also includes the eBook ePub, Anki flashcard, PDF worksheets, and MP3 sound files as a download for no extra charge. You'll receive the download link immediately after purchase and the physical paperback will mailed to you.

If you would like just the eBook version, please purchase our Japanese Culture Bundle by clicking here.


Japanese names are difficult.

Japanese names are difficult.

Challenging kanji, atypical pronunciations, and lengthy syllable sequences can make Japanese names a hurdle for English-speaking students of the language.

If you are serious about learning Japanese, Japanese names is a subject you simply can't ignore. 

Want to make Japanese friends? Having a thorough understanding of names will help. Want to enjoy Japanese movies, TV, or novels? If this fits your description, this book is for you.

And with a little concentrated study, you can learn the most common family and given names.

In this book, we'll thoroughly study the top 100 family and over a hundred given names (male and female) through kanji studies, worksheets, and Anki flashcard decks.

 Learn Japanese names through kanji

  • 152 Pages
  • Learn the most common 100 family names today
  • Over a hundred given names (male and female)
  • Master the most common kanji and the most common readings found in Japanese names
  • Download Anki decks, sound files, and worksheets for no extra charge.


Mr. Saitou

Imagine being introduced to Mr. Saitou. After going through this book, you ask him, "Is that a Saitou with a or a ?" Mr. Saitou (whether 斉藤 or 斎藤) will truly be impressed.


This book is based on a much more in-depth online course at Makoto+. If you want extra practice plus hundreds of famous names (historical, actors, actresses, musicians, singers, and more), please check out the course here:


 It’s free for Shogun and Lifetime members.

 Samurai members can find a deeply discounted coupon in the members' section. Or you can purchase the course without being a member.

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