Learn Japanese with Stories for Beginners: Mike's Diary [Paperback]

Learn Japanese with Stories for Beginners: Mike's Diary [Paperback]


Learn Japanese with Stories for Beginners: Mike's Diary [Paperback]


Learn Japanese with Stories for Beginners: Mike's Diary [Paperback]


NOTE: The digital version is found in the Beginning Japanese Phrases and Stories digital bundle

Have you only recently learned hiragana but need practice? Or perhaps, your hiragana is no problem, but you want to build reading fluency?

Mike's Diary is here to the rescue!

The level of this book is somewhere between our (total beginner-level) Beri- Beri- Shoshinsha and our more advance readers such as Learn Japanese with Stories.

Instead of learning isolated vocabulary (no fun!), reading real Japanese is a great way to learn vocabulary and kanji in context. For the beginner, however, native reading material is too much of a challenge. Our Learn Japanese with Stories for Beginners series enables even beginners to truly enjoy reading natural Japanese.

The early stories use basic vocabulary, beginner-level grammar, and simplified Japanese sentence structures. As you progress, earlier concepts build into more complex grammar, vocabulary, and sentence structures.

Each story is presented in several ways.

  1. The story with spaces and complete vocabulary and explanation
  2. The story in full Japanese (without spaces, but with furigana—the small hiragana—over kanji)
  3. The story in English to cement understanding

This is followed by five important kanji found in the story. There are only five kanji here, so spend some time familiarizing yourself with them.

  • 122 Pages
  • Includes the digital files (PDF, ePub, and MOBI)
  • Includes all sound files 
  • Free Anki flashcard deck of all the vocabulary from each story
  • Scan QR codes for quick on-demand listening as you go through the book

This is a physical paperback which will be shipped to you. You'll also receive the digital files for no extra charge immediately after ordering.

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