Learn Japanese with Stories AUDIOBOOK BUNDLE [5 Volume Bundle] [DIGITAL DOWNLOAD]

Learn Japanese with Stories AUDIOBOOK BUNDLE [5 Volume Bundle] [DIGITAL DOWNLOAD]

$27.00 $51.00 -48% OFF

Learn Japanese with Stories AUDIOBOOK BUNDLE [5 Volume Bundle] [DIGITAL DOWNLOAD]

$27.00 $51.00 -48% OFF

Learn Japanese with Stories AUDIOBOOK BUNDLE [5 Volume Bundle] [DIGITAL DOWNLOAD]

$27.00 $51.00 -48% OFF

This bundle includes FIVE full-length audiobooks.

These are the audiobook versions of our Learn Japanese with Stories bundle found here. Eventually, this bundle will include all 10 books as audiobooks. Buy the bundle now and get future audiobooks free.


Sample of the line-by-line feature:



  1. Audiobook 1: Hikoichi (4 stories): Runtime: 3:12:00 (three hours)
  2. Audiobook 2: Momotaro & Tortoise and the Hare: Runtime: 00:56:41
  3. Audiobook 3: Inch-high Samurai & Kaguya-hime, the Moon Princess: Runtime: 1:42:45
  4. Audiobook 4: The Mouse Bride & Ikkyuu-san: Runtime: 44:08
  5. Audiobook 5: Shitakiri Suzume & Kobutori-jiisan: Runtime: 1:06:35



This bundle covers the same material as our Learn Japanese with Stories eBook bundle. However, for this Audiobook Bundle, you don't need to refer to any paper material (although a PDF of the material is included). You can listen and learn anywhere and at any time. With our regular eBook bundle edition, the audio is limited to slow and normal speed recordings of the stories.

NOTE: This bundle is recommended for upper beginners to intermediate students of Japanese. These audiobooks make listening to native material easier and less intimidating, but it may be too frustrating for true beginners. If you are just starting out, no problem! We have a bundle just for you. Click here to learn about our Beri- Beri- Shoshinsha Beginner's Bundle.

 Each audiobook sells on Audible and elsewhere for $6-10. Get the first four audiobooks for a discounted price. Pay once and get lifetime updates (that includes 5 more future audiobooks!). Future updates and future volumes will be added free of charge even though this bundle's price will increase as we add more.


 Japanese Listening comprehension

Let's practice listening comprehension.


Each audiobook presents each story in four ways:

  1. Story read slowly
  2. Story read line-by-line with each vocabulary word defined in English
  3. Story read normal speed
  4. English summary


You'll receive a download link immediately after purchase. If you want to practice a particular section, you'll get MP3s for each section of every story. If you just want to drop it into your phone or audio player as one big audiobook, you'll also find a single MP3 for each book. A PDF of each book is also provided (but not required.)


This video is the first story in the first volume (which contains four complete stories). While the format isn't exactly the same as the audiobook version, it is very close:


Learn Japanese with Stories Audiobook Version

Here’s a quick preview of the valuable information you can get now—INSTANT GRATIFICATION!


  • Hikoichi and the Young Lord
  • Hikoichi and the Living Umbrella
  • Tengu’s Straw Raincoat
  • Momotaro, the Peach Boy
  • Usagi to Kame (the Tortoise & the Hare)
  • The Cut-Tongue Sparrow
  • The Mouse Bride
  • Ikkyuu-san and the Tiger in the Folded Screen
  • Inch-High Samurai
  • Kaguya-hime, the Moon Princess
  • More coming soon! (free updates if you buy this bundle now)


Impress your Japanese friends with knowledge of Japanese folktales and stories while polishing your grammar and learning new vocabulary words. 日本語を磨こう! Let’s polish our Japanese!




Here’s what you get with each of the stories:

  • An easy and fun introduction to Japanese folklore, tales, and stories—these are the classic stories every single Japanese person knows and loves, but few Westerners have even heard about!
  • Listen to the most famous and interesting Japanese tales in real Japanese! Yes, you can understand real Japanese today with these stories. We don't, however, recommend this for true beginners. 
  • Every single line and every word are explained and defined audibly.
  • You don't need the written material, but a PDF of the book is included. Listen while walking the dog, doing dishes, or as you go to sleep in bed.
  • Build your Japanese vocabulary, understand new grammatical patterns, improve your listening skills, and hone in your pronunciation by shadowing after the speaker.
  • Get MP3s as individual tracks as well as one big file. A PDF of the stories is also provided, but the audiobook is designed so you don't need it.


Perfect for the beginner (but not absolute beginner) to intermediate student of Japanese. But if you get this now, future content will be FREE FOREVER.

Please Note:

  1. This is audiobook version. There will be NO shipping charges since nothing will be shipped :)
  2. You will receive a Dropbox link which can be accessed from any device (phone, tablet, or computer) instantly. If you are on a computer, you can download it all by clicking on the Download button at the top right.
  3. You do not need to have a Dropbox account to access or download the files. 
  4. If you don't see the email after order, please check your spam folder or email us for support.

Customer Reviews

Based on 2 reviews
Scott Robertson
looking forward to them

I ordered these audio books, then got sent to the wilds of Northern Ontario, and forgot to bring my iPad charger. I am heading back to the world on Sunday, and I am sure after I start listening, I will probably rerate them 5 stars. Clay and Yumi are great, as are their learning materials. I am thinking about taking a course in Japanese if there is still one offered at my college

Izzy Quinn (Rockville, US)
It's fun but sometimes confusing

So, I tried these out and it's actually super fun to read along and try to repeat the words as they're being said. With this in mind, the vocab review gets confusing (for me) super fast. At first, I thought we'd just be going over certain vocab that's present in the story in the same order as they show up on the pdf, which would've made it better for me to understand what we were talking about, however, after the first few words I was completely lost and didn't know where the other vocab words came from, I struggled to find them through the story as they were being explained but it really didn't help my understanding. I think giving a bit of a heads up where the words are in the story and giving a few more seconds to find and read the words would've helped me tremendously. The audio files were all good (so far no complaints there) and simple to follow along. I really do love this series, it was just the vocabulary recap that confused me terribly, maybe put it after the first Japanese reading? So that one knows more or less where the words are?