Learn Japanese with Yokai! Yamanba, the Mountain Witch [Paperback]

Learn Japanese with Yokai! Yamanba, the Mountain Witch [Paperback]


Learn Japanese with Yokai! Yamanba, the Mountain Witch [Paperback]


Learn Japanese with Yokai! Yamanba, the Mountain Witch [Paperback]


For Upper Beginners Learning Japanese 

Living in shadows and the in-between world of dreams and reality, yokai thrive in Japanese imagination. What are yokai? They are monsters, ghosts, unnatural beings, and even sentient household items. Yokai can be harmless and amusing, or they can be terrifying. 

Now you can learn about yokai and read stories about them while polishing your Japanese. ♥


The 山姥(やまんば) is a scary youkai mountain witch. She eats whoever enters her mountain. In this volume, we’ll look at two legends involving the 山姥(やまんば).
The first is about an ox-cart man (someone who made deliveries) who encountered a 山姥(やまんば). The second story is about a young priest who has three magic charms to protect him from the 山姥(やまんば).


  • Includes three essays or stories
  • Each story is presented in three formats: 
    1) Sentence-by-Sentence with definition and commentary below 
    2) Japanese only (to test your reading ability) 
    3) English translation (to confirm your understanding)
  • The Sentence-by Sentence section of each story presents a small chunk of the Japanese with furigana over the kanji and a complete glossary of all the words; important grammatical patterns are pointed out and explained in plain English
  • Find a link to download sound files for the stories (for no extra charge) on the last page of the book
  • Each story has a slow and normal speed recording of the Japanese read by Yumi
  • 201 pages
  • Includes E-book versions, sound files, and an Anki deck of the vocabulary for no extra charge. 



 ① Ushikata and Yamanba 

 ② Yamanba and the Three Magic Charms



This book is designed so that both those fairly new to Japanese and those in the intermediate stages can equally find value. The ideal level, however, is for the upper beginner, somewhere around the JLPT (Japanese Language Proficiency Test) N4. 


If you are learning Japanese and are fascinated by yokai and traditional tales of old Japan, click the Buy Now button to begin studying now. 

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