Learn Japanese with Stories Volume 13: Hikoichi and the Kitsune [Paperback]

Learn Japanese with Stories Volume 13: Hikoichi and the Kitsune [Paperback]


Learn Japanese with Stories Volume 13: Hikoichi and the Kitsune [Paperback]


Learn Japanese with Stories Volume 13: Hikoichi and the Kitsune [Paperback]


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131 Pages | Includes Digital Files | 5.5 x 8.5 inch Paperback

Japanese Reader Collection Volume 13 Hikoichi and the Kitsune: The Easy Way to Read Listen and Learn from Japanese Folklore Tales and Stories (Paperback Edition)


Note: this is a physical paperback that will be shipped to you. You'll also receive the digital files by email immediately after ordering.


READ real Japanese Today! By choosing short stories, the intimidation factor is greatly reduced. Not only that, but we divide the story up into tiny, easy-to-swallow segments with complete explanations to give you confidence as you read real Japanese page by page.

Recommended for upper beginner to intermediate level students of Japanese.

BONUS! Get FREE sound files of the stories read by a native Japanese voice actress, one read at normal speed and one read slowly. Listen while reading. The link to the MP3s is found on the last page.

NOW WITH QR CODES - While you can still download the sound files with the link on the last page, we are also including handy QR codes for both the slow and normal speed recordings of the stories. Simply scan the code with the camera of your phone and the audio will begin playing in seconds.

EXTRA BONUS! Included with the sound files, are PDFs of all the vocabulary and grammar points. Feel free to print these out to use while reading.

Now with Furigana! All our readers now have furigana in both the paperback and Kindle versions. Furigana is the small hiragana over the kanji--most devices support this new feature. (The Japanese only section has no furigana so you can practice reading the story again in "real" furigana-less Japanese)

Have you studied for a year or two but just don’t feel like you are progressing? This book is for you too. We suggest reading the Japanese only section first (includes furigana) and then go through the line-by-line running gloss section to cement understanding and learn vocabulary.

* All Japanese have furigana (printed version and Kindle version on supported devices (most new devices))
* Two complete Japanese short stories. Each story is presented in three unique ways.
* GLOSS: Read the story with a running gloss—understand completely. Every sentence is broken down word-for-word and with English explanation of the grammar.
* JAPANESE ONLY: The full story in Japanese only (without the running gloss) is also provided so you can practice reading without interruption.
* ENGLISH SUMMARY: Finally, we have included a simple and mostly literal English translation for you to check your understanding (Don’t cheat! Work through the Japanese first!).
* Short stories makes reading full Japanese texts possible.
* Download the FREE MP3s to listen while you study.

The wise and mischievous Hikoichi has been a favorite of ours since we started these Japanese story readers. This book has two more stories, both involving a fox. Foxes (and tanuki), in Japanese folklore, can sometimes be spirits which can transform into different shapes. They also love to play tricks on humans. In both stories, Hikoichi is here to the rescue.

Finally, we invite the reader to contact us with questions or requests for future Japanese readers. You will find our personal email addresses in the book. To your Japanese!

What are you waiting for? Ninja up your Japanese. Click “Buy Now” now!

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